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Periodontics in Houston, TX

It can be difficult to know which specialist you need for what ailment. There are a lot of different specialists in medicine. You might need a different orthodontics specialist or a general practitioner. Maybe a dentist has advised you to seek the opinion of a periodontics specialist. Most people are unsure of what that means, but most patients will see one throughout their lives. While a general dentist can care for many common dental issues, a specialist like an orthodontic specialist or a periodontist is called for an opinion or to treat a problem.

Periodontists are specialists who examine and treat gum tissue and bone-related diseases. Periodontal specialists also work with patients who require regenerative procedures such as bone and gum grafting to restore lost connective tissue and increase bone support for follow-up procedures., They also perform cosmetic surgery on elective patients looking to eliminate the appearance of gum recession and dental implant surgery, in addition to other procedures.

There are many reasons a general dentist will refer a patient to an orthodontist or a periodontist. The presence of gum disease, a degenerative bone disorder, associated bone loss due to tooth decay, and gumline atrophy caused by progressive bone loss. Our dentist will complete a thorough examination and recommend a course of treatment to address any of these issues if they are present.

The right specialist for the right task is the key to lifelong oral health. Specially trained doctors can examine a patient and spot things that a general practitioner alone could miss. The general practitioner can also refer a patient to a specialist and give the patient the confidence they are in the best hands possible. That’s a key benefit to having a dentist experienced in multiple facets of dental medicine. A wide degree of experience can allow a dentist to see things from various angles and formulate a very effective treatment plan.

If you need a dentist specializing in orthodontics, periodontics, and gum disease, contact Dr. Aisha Husain at Rosary Dental in Houston, TX, today for an appointment.

Meet Dr. Aisha Husain

Dr. Aisha Husain

Dr. Aisha’s inspiration comes from her aunt, and she always loved spending her summers with...

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