Preventing Cavities with Dental Sealants

July 1, 2023

Tooth decay is the second-most common health concern in the United States today, trailing only the common cold, and it is one of the most common health problems affecting children and teenagers. Cavities form when plaque and tartar bacteria convert sugar to acid. When this acid remains on the teeth, it demineralizes the enamel and eventually causes a hole. No matter how small they begin, cavities will ultimately cause significant discomfort.

Most parents teach their children the fundamentals of good oral hygiene, hoping that diligent brushing, flossing, rinsing, and regular dental care will protect their teeth. However, this is not always the case; cavities do occur. Children aged 6 to 14 are the most vulnerable. That is why many dentists advise their young patients to get dental sealants. For more than 40 years, this painless and safe treatment option has been protecting teeth.

Dental sealants are a barrier between tooth enamel and the bacteria and acids that cause cavities. Dentists frequently recommend sealants to protect molars. This is because the back teeth are not perfectly smooth. Children may struggle to keep the natural pits and crevices that make molars ideal for chewing clean. Dental sealants form a thin layer of protection on chewing surfaces, smoothing irregularities and preventing bacteria from attacking tooth enamel. Once applied, the risk of developing a cavity on a treated molar is reduced by 80%.

What are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are thin protective coatings placed on the chewing surfaces of your back teeth. Because these teeth have deep grooves and crevices that are difficult to clean, they are prone to cavities. Dental sealants fill in these deep grooves and crevices, resulting in a smooth surface that is easier to clean and aids in preventing tooth decay.

A plastic resin is usually used as the sealant material, which is applied to the tooth and then hardened with a special light. It adheres to the tooth surface and acts as a barrier against bacteria and food debris that cause decay.

Dental sealants are most commonly applied to children’s molars and premolars when their permanent teeth emerge. This is usually between ages 6 and 12, but it can vary depending on the child’s developmental stage. Dental sealants can also help adults with deep grooves or other vulnerable areas on their teeth.

Dental sealants are a painless and safe procedure that can be performed in a dental office at Rosary Dental. After cleaning and drying the teeth, a mild acidic solution is applied to the tooth surface to help the dental sealant bond to the tooth. The sealant material is then applied and cured with a special light, hardening it and forming a protective barrier.

Overall, getting dental sealants in Houston, TX, is an inexpensive and effective method of preventing tooth decay and cavities. In addition, sealants can last for many years if properly cared for and maintained, providing long-term protection for decay-prone teeth.

How Long Do Dental Sealants Last?

Dental sealants have a variable lifespan but can last for some years with proper maintenance. Sealants can last up to ten years in some cases, but this depends on several factors, including the quality of the material used, the skill of the dentist in Houston who applied the sealant, and the patient’s oral hygiene habits.

The patient’s eating, and drinking habits can also affect the durability of dental sealants. Chewing on hard objects, including ice or pens, can damage the sealant, as can consuming sugary and acidic foods and drinks. Patients who grind their teeth may also cause the sealant to wear down faster.

Keep in mind that dental sealants are not permanent and may need to be replaced over time. Regular dental examinations can assist your dentist near you in monitoring the condition of your sealants and determining whether they need to be repaired or replaced. In addition, the sealant may sometimes wear away over time, exposing the tooth to decay.

To extend the life of dental sealants, your dentist near you will advise you to practice good hygiene habits such as brushing and rinsing with mouthwash regularly. They should also avoid chewing on hard objects and drinking sugary or acidic beverages. In addition, patients can help to ensure that their sealants last as long as possible by taking proper care of them and providing effective protection against cavities and tooth decay.

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